Private Buses Strike In Kerala : Why ?

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Private Buses Strike In Kerala : Why ?

Members of the Kerala State Private Bus Operators Federation (KSPBOF) have decided to go on strike across the entire state on October 31. They’re doing this to make some demands, like wanting higher fares for students and asking for more time before they have to put seatbelts in the buses, which was supposed to happen on November 1. This strike is going to affect a lot of people, especially in big cities like Thiruvananthapuram and Kozhikode. So, you can expect bus delays and even some cancellations. People will probably start looking for other ways to get around, like using public buses or hiring private vehicles, especially in the downtown areas.

Private Buses Strike In Kerala : Why ?

People who support the strike  ( mostly Private Bus driver & Conductor) might also have demonstrations outside government offices, bus company headquarters, bus stations, and public squares. They might even block roads with buses to get their point across. This could mean that there will be more police around, and it might cause some traffic issues in those areas. Hopefully, everything will stay peaceful, but there might be some small clashes if the police have to deal with unruly crowds. In the end, it’s not likely to have a big impact on businesses.


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